On Friday the 29th April 2016, WZIS primary, middle and high school all visited Kunyu Mountain near Yantai. All students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and thrived at the chance to hike to the top of the mountain. Many students ranging from primary to high school made it to the summit of Mount Kunyu.
A big congratulations to Edan G11 as he was the first student to make it to the summit in less than one hour and thirty minutes.
The hike also had many exciting activities organised as students ascended the mountain. Students also had the opportunity to take a slide down a section of the mountain instead of taking the path. Many students expressed that this was one of their memorable highlights of the day.
Following the visit to the mountain students attended Shaolin Kung Fu training school to watch a performance by students who are currently training at the school. This allowed students to observe one of the famous martial arts that are practiced in the Shandong province of China.
A massive thanks to all the staff, which helped facilitate this event. We hope to have another whole school field trip next semester.