Contacting School Policy

Contacting School Policy

As a school we respect a parents need to contact us regarding their child. We work hard to provide strong communication links between the school and parents and are always looking for new ways to improve these links. However, we also respect the personal lives of our staff and want to ensure that they are given the rest they deserve. The following information outlines the procedures for parents to follow when they wish to contact the school.

Academic Matters

All academic matters will be dealt with within school hours. Mr. Kim, the school director can be contacted by phone between 10:00-14:00 Mon-Fri. He can also be contacted by email on . Please do not call Mr. Kim outside of these hours for academic matters. Teachers may be contacted using their school emails or on Engrade. The format for the new school emails is ‘first initial’, ‘surname’, ‘’ e.g. .


If parents have minor academic concerns they should contact the teacher directly either through Engrade or through their child.

Examples: Missing homework, low scores, difficulty with a topic.


If parents have more significant concerns then they may contact the parent rep, the school director or the vice principal. For individual incidents the school director should be informed. For repeated issues the parent representative should be called who will then notify the school director separately.


  • Concerns with the quality of teaching – contact the student rep
  • Problems with the report cards – contact the school director


Non-Academic Matters

Emergencies or Urgent Events

In case of an emergency or for urgent matters Mr. Kim may be contacted by phone between 8:30-17:00 Mon-Fri. These are strictly for non-academic matters. If an issue arises Mr. Kim may be contacted at the weekend but this is only in the case of a serious emergency.

Examples: Visa difficulties, sickness, bereavement in the family.


If your child will be absent, please contact Mr. Kim by phone or email between 8:30-9:00am. If a student has not been registered or declared absent by 9:00am, Mr. Kim will phone their parents.

General Concerns

For all other general concerns relating to school matters please talk to your parent reps. They will make a list of general concerns which will then be passed on to the school leadership at the monthly PTA meetings. Answers to these concerns will be provided within a week of the PTA meeting.

Transport / Finance / School Fees / Insurance / Food

Many of the general concerns will fall into the categories above. The International School no longer accepts money from students and all money should be sent to the Administration Office on the first floor. The Administration Office will deal with all matters relating to transport, finance, insurance and food. If the matter requires the attention of the International School staff, a member of the administration team will deal with that individual directly.

If a parent has any suggestions for how the communication links can be improved, they are welcome to share their ideas with the parent reps. The school is always happy to make changes if the benefits can be clearly perceived.