ZIS uses an online mark book called Power school. Power school is a website which allows grades to be shared with students, parents and other teachers in order for us to be able to constantly track our students’ progress. Power school records various pieces of information including homework and assignment grades, average marks and overall grade. Parent and teacher accounts are also linked directly to email, facilitating communication between school and home.
Students and parents can receive their login information from Mr. Peter Gao who oversees the website. Login information is issued at the start of each semester and can be provided throughout the semester if necessary. Parents and students are only able to access the information for their child. Everything else remains confidential.
Although we have found Power school a very useful tool, it does have its complications. The internet access can be very temperamental and occasionally access to the website is blocked for a couple of days. Our teachers are also very busy and we ask that parents are patient with us when marks do not appear immediately.
The web address for Power school is: http://zisps.com/public